Thursday, February 14, 2013

The Return Of Heaven on Earth

Today’s world is NOT perfect. We humans have tried to come up with the perfect way to live ever since Adam disobeyed God. We have tried to perfect our way of life since the moment Adam took the fruit and ate it. We keep trying to come up with different governments, but none of them have been able to accomplish what we had in the Garden of Eden. We are now in the year 2013. Over 6000 years have passed since Adam disobeyed and the governments of today don’t seem to be working, at least not when you compare it to the Garden of Eden.

We had everything in the Garden. There was NO poverty, NO crime, NO sickness, NO corruption, NO starvation, NO DEATH. Everything Adam wanted was available to him. Adam had every need met in the Garden; power, food, water, God even gave him a woman. Adam had the PERFECT LIFE. The Garden of Eden was an atmosphere or environment of heavenly order. The word "Eden" means "Delight" or "Pleasure"(Strong's H5731 and H5730). So in other words the Garden of Eden is a heavenly order in the delightful and pleasant presence of God. The phrase "heavenly order" can be expanded into other words, such as "an order that rules in heaven"; another way of expressing these words that can be the word "government". A government is what provides the lifestyle and culture of the people in a country.

When Adam disobeyed God, he was immediately cut off from the influence of the government; and his first act of Adam on his own was an attack on his wife. Even though it wasn’t a physical attack, it was an attack. The second act that occurs once we started governing ourselves was a brother on brother crime. In today’s world we are still faced with these problems. Domestic violence and murder are always on the top of the crime list. It doesn’t matter what government is controlling that nation, they are problems that no human government has been able to correct.

The good new is that the government of heaven has RETURNED. The prophet Isaiah said it this way "For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given; and THE GOVERNMENT will be upon His shoulders. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace."(Isaiah 9:6) This verse is talking about Jesus, The Christ. Jesus came to bring back to us this wonderful government called "The Kingdom of Heaven".


Written by Edil Ortega

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