Thursday, February 21, 2013

A Kingdom Message - Seek

It was 2000 years ago when a man was born into the world. He was a regular man, but his Father was God. He was born without sin and came to save mankind from theirs. He was born of virgin woman as a sign to the people, but the people ignored it. He came with a message that made perfect sense at the time, and yet, through out the centuries that message has weakened. He has been the most misunderstood man on earth. This man’s name is Jesus, The Christ and He did NOT bring a religion. He brought with Him a GOVERNMENT.

This government is called “The Kingdom”. Jesus mentions it as “the kingdom of heaven or God”. Heaven or God is simple the place it comes from. It literally is a form of government from heaven. The next question you should ask yourself is “Why a Government?” or “What does a government come with?” Government is the form or system by which the people of a country are ruled or controlled. A government is the ruling authority of a system over a territory, impacting and producing a community of people (citizens), who express the culture and lifestyle of the system. This is why the democratic government is so good in the eyes of people. The system tells them that they can have the culture and lifestyle they want.

In today’s world people really don’t want a religion. They don’t want someone to tell them how to live their life. They don’t want to be limited in any way. They want to be able to experience life to the fullest. Most people today see religion as just a hindrance. To them religion is a barrier that limits one’s life experience. No one is looking for religion any more. All people want in life is the freedom to do what they want. Whether it is Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, or Christianity, no one is rushing or forcing themselves to get into them, and yet, Jesus said this about His Kingdom “…the good news of the kingdom of God is being preached, and everyone is forcing their way into it.”(Luke 16:16) Sounds like the immigration problem America has today.

Jesus is saying, that when people begin to understand “The Kingdom” message, they will do whatever it takes to get in. People will sell all they have to “GET IN” (Matthew 13:45-46). People will look for it like a hidden treasure and risk their lives to experience it just like the immigrants do to get to America, because it promises them a culture and lifestyle of prosperity. EVERYONE on earth is looking for an abundant life, whether they know it consciously or unconsciously. We all want to NOT WORRY about THE THINGS we need in our daily lives. Jesus also said “SEEK first His kingdom and His Righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”(Matt 6:33) (IF YOU HAVE TO WORK FOR IT, IT WAS NOT ADDED)

The kingdom of heaven is what YOU are looking for. This is why you want to be rich. It’s not "money" that you want; it’s the power that money gives you that you want. The power to eat, drink, wear, go, and do anything you want. Jesus also knows you want these things which is why He mentions them before Matthew 6:33. He says “Do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear.”(Matt 6:25) but in this same verse He asks YOU “Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes?” This question implies that there is more to life than just your physical needs. This questions deals with YOUR PURPOSE IN LIFE.

You can only know when you SEEK.

God bless everyone

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Written by Edil Ortega

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