Friday, April 27, 2012

Think Like a King

A question I and most people have ask themselves is "What is life?" "Why am I on this planet?" "Why was I born?".... Is my life suppose to be going to work Monday thru Friday to a 9 to 5 job?.... Is my life babysitting and doing house chores?... Maybe it's playing the lotto everyday and hoping you would win.... Or Maybe you are even unemployed right now and have no idea what to do with you life.... 
I believe that everyone was born with a PURPOSE. Life is NOT meant to be a guessing game. That's why I've started a kingdom thinking website. My goal is get you to think like a KING, because I know life shouldn't be a question. God created us to have DOMINION on earth. (Gen. 1:26) You should NOT have to spend the precious time you have on this planet guessing at what works for you to have success. Success is always the result of a focus. You should NOT have to put your hopes in some random number drawing. You should NOT have to go through life guessing. Only you have the power (ability) to change YOUR LIFE. 
A change in life requires changing the way you think. This is the "Key" to living an effective life. A life of financial freedom, a life where you have no more worries, a life where you're not a slave making someone or some other company rich, but a life where YOU are the one getting prosperous, a life where YOU can truly experience life to the fullest. The first word of the first public state by Jesus The Christ was "Repent". (Matt 4:17) It simply means, to change the way you think. Thinking different is what will get you to do things differently in 2013. 
Many people want to change but don't know "how". In the bible it states that "God's people perish because of a lack a knowledge" (Hosea 4:6). Knowledge is a key to bring change in one's life. I want to bring to you some knowledge that can be life changing. It's revelation that has inspired me to share what I know about life. I hope to share it with you. 

God Bless 

Kingdom Life
Written by Edil Ortega

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